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Adjust screen size for Vista

The procedure for windows Vista is almost like to the one used with Windows XP.

Follow the Procedure
Click Start, then Control Panel, then show and adjust your settings accordingly in the window that appears.

For Vista, you also click Start, then Control Panel, then show. In the window that appears, select the Settings tab, look for the area titled Screen Resolution and adjust the settings accordingly until you find a fit. Click Apply to test the settings out, and OK to finalize them.

Q. Is there any way I can get rid of Windows Task Manager? The only way to remove it seems to be by buying some sort of membership, which it keeps offering to me.

A. There isn’t a way to get rid of Windows Task Manager, and it shouldn’t be removed regardless of what’s happening on your computer. It’s a crucial part of the Windows operating system. It helps Windows multi-manage whatever programs you have open, lets you close stalled programs if need be, lets you keep track of multiple user accounts, lets you monitor CPU usage to see how your system resources are being utilized and much more.

The fact that it’s giving you trouble, and that you were asked to purchase a membership to remove the item, hints that you might be infected with a virus.

In this case, the virus is disguising itself as your Task Manager and indirectly asking you to alter your Windows setup, most likely so that your system defenses will be lowered and it can cause additional problems.

I suggest you update your anti-virus definitions, perform a full system scan and delete whatever turns up.

See Also
computer support company
Boost Your Computer Speed
malicious spyware removal
computer continually Restarts
Protect your PC
How to increase virtual memory in windows

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